Imagination International Preschool offers healthy meals. 

We work with a catering company that specializes in preschool nutrition. They use locally produced, grown and raised, mostly organic food, which carefully follows the Swedish preschool food regulations and recommendations. They make sure that their ingredients are of a high quality and are rich in nutrients, designed to give children the energy and nourishment they need to grow.
Every lunch contains at least three vegetables and wholegrain products.

We provide pedagogical lunches for all groups. This means that our staff eat with the children in order to demonstrate table manners and the importance of trying new foods.

Children who arrive early will be offered a simple breakfast such as bread, cheese, yogurt, fruit and milk between 7:00 and 7:30.

Morning snack
We offer a variety of fruits such as bananas, apples,
pears or oranges.

Salad and vegetables followed by a main dish is served accommodating all dietary requirements (vegetarian and allergies).

Afternoon snack
A filling and nutritional afternoon snack is provided every afternoon such as bread, fruit, cheese, veggies & dip, cereal, yogurt.

Late afternoon fruit snack
Each afternoon at around 16:00 to 16:30 we provide an additional fruit snack.


To check the weekly menu and to learn more about the catering service we use, please click on the link below:


Välkommen till RR Matproduktion

Vi levererar ekologisk och närproducerad mat till förskolor och skolor i Stockholmsområdet.